
Seadmok Logo and Clean Drinking Water from Faucet

How to Determine Safe Drinking Water in Maryland

Want to know if your drinking water is safe in Maryland? Read this guide and you can identify potential issues, take necessary precautions, and work with Seadmok Water and the DPW.


How to Determine Safe Drinking Water in Baltimore

Want to know if your drinking water is safe in Baltimore? Read this guide and you can identify potential issues, take necessary precautions, and work with Seadmok Water and the DPW.

Burst First Hydrant with Seadmok Water Logo

What to do about a Burst Fire Hydrant

A burst fire hydrant can be disruptive and potentially dangerous. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to understand a burst fire hydrant and take immediate steps to ensure safety

water pipe corrosion

Spotting and Preventing Water Pipe Corrosion

This guide delves into water pipe corrosion, exploring its causes, potential consequences, and, most importantly, effective prevention strategies or direction to contact a water pipe corrosion specialist.


How to Tell If Your Water Main Just Broke

Find out how to spot and fix water main breaks, grasp their impacts, and pick up some preventive tips to keep your place safe in our detailed guide.

seadmock-water tap service

When to Replace an Old Water Tap

A well-maintained tap provides smooth water flow and control, but worn-out taps can lead to several issues. Learn when to replace your water tap here.

Water Meter Needs Replacement

When to Replace Aging Water Meters

A water meter is a device that measures the amount of water used by a household or business. It is typically located near where the water supply enters the property. Learn more here.

Water Meter and Seadmok Logo

How to Read a Water Meter

A water meter is a device that measures the amount of water used by a household or business. It is typically located near where the water supply enters the property. Learn more here.

Preparing Your Home for City Water Connection A Step-by-Step Guide-min

Preparing Your Home for City Water Connection: A Step-by-Step Guide

This step-by-step guide will navigate through the process of preparing your home for a city water connection, ensuring a seamless transition to this modern and efficient water supply system.